
Libertärer Podcast Dezemberrückblick 2022

Libertärer Podcast Dezemberrückblick 2022

Unsere 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

News aus aller Welt

Links zu Lützerath

Interview über das Leben im Knast und danach

Countdown zu St. Imier 7: Die Erste Internationale (Teil 2)

Anarchist Balkan Bookfair

Wo herrscht Anarchie



[Extra] TFSR: Perspectives from Iranian Anarchists

[Extra] TFSR: Perspectives from Iranian Anarchists

We are now republishing an interview by The Final Straw Radio (TFSR) with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran to share perspectives from membership in Iran and abroad about resistance to the regime from within, solidarity from abroad, the impact of US sabre-rattling. This interview is from January 2020.

More information from the Union can be found here (posts are mostly in Persian), they can be followed on twitter at @asranarshism, @asranarshism on instagram, on Telegram (also mostly in Persian) and Facebook.