
Bad News: Episode #72

Bad News: Episode #72

Welcome to the 72nd episode of Bad News – Angry voices from around the world, a monthly radio show produced by the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network.

In this episode, we will hear contributions from:

  • The Final Straw Radio from the so-called  USA who is sharing a portion of a transcribed and re-recorded interview with three people involved or supporting the defendants in the December 8th Case in which 7 anarchists, including a former YPG fighter who goes by Libre Flot, accused of preparing a paramilitary uprising against the French state. To hear the rest of the interview, find our October 10th episode at TheFinalStrawRadoi.NoBlogs.Org, where you can also read the transcript or print off a zine of the interview. You can keep up on the case, share your solidarity actions and make donations at https://SolidarityToDecember8.Wordpress.Com
  • FrequenzA, a podcast and radioshow project from Leipzig, which prepared an interview about the Karl Helga Wagenplatz in Leipzig, which is under the threat of ever-present forces of gentrification
  • Free Social Radio 1431 AM from Thessaloniki, who shared a collection of news from so-called Greece.

This edition of Bad News was put together by Črna Luknja, anarchist radio show on Radio Student from Ljubljana.

Enjoy and keep on raging!

Length: 28 minutes 38 seconds

Bad News: Episode #58

Bad News: Episode #58

This episode 58 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, shows and podcasts, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. This episode was hosted by the Anarchist Radio Berlin.

In this episode the contributions are coming from:

  • Črna Luknja – anarchist radio show on Radio Student from Ljubljana with an interview on the topic of antifascism in Japan. On the 22nd Antifa festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, they had the chance to talk with Gregor, a researcher and activisit very familiar with the autonomous movements in Japan.
  • Frequenz A with an interview with an anarchist refugee who lived many years in Ukraine
    after fleeing from Putins Russia. The complete interview can be found here.
  • The Final Straw Radio presents part of an interview with BOAK, or the Anarchist Communist Combat Organization, a Russia-based group advocating sabotage and guerrilla struggle and the development of a social revolution against authoritarian regimes in eastern Europe. You can find their darkweb site via torbrowser (!) at http://boakor7dmr63zguccltp6nki56ou4oppirhyllfck7yd3sifywinhkyd.onion/, a less secure mirror site at or their telegram channel at
  • A-Radio Berlin with part of a recording of an info event held by the Migrant Strikers Berlin on the connections between the war in Ukraine and the turkish state aggression in Rojava.

Total length of the show is 50 minutes and 04 seconds.

[Extra] Tekoşîna Anarşist in Rojava

[Extra] Tekoşîna Anarşist in Rojava

Wir präsentieren euch die deutsche Übersetzung eines umfassenden Interviews, das unsere Freunde von The Final Straw Radio mit Tekoşîna Anarşist in Rojava geführt haben und am 23. Januar veröffentlicht haben. Im Originalaudio wurden die Antworten aus Sicherheitsgründen neu eingesprochen.

Inhaltlich geht es um zahlreiche Themen, wie unter anderem die aktuelle Situation in Rojava in Bezug auf die andauernde militärische Auseinandersetzung mit dem türkischen Staat, die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie, die Arbeit von Tekoşîna Anarşist sowohl im militärischen wie auch zivilen Gesundheitssystem sowie Fragen queerer Identität innerhalb der Revolution von Rojava.

Weiterführende Links:

Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News #52: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 52nd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for Janaury, 2022. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Črna Luknja, radio show collective on Radio Študent prepared an interview with a participant in the anarchist publishing network CrimethInc. about the recent fire that hit its central distribution centre. More about how to offer support and mutual aid can be found here.

2) Anarchist Radio Berlin is presenting part of an interview with comrades from the Syrena collective in Warsaw about the antifeminist attack on their squat in December 2021. You’ll find the complete version of the interview here.

3) The Final Straw Radio (from southern Appalachia in the so-called US) shares a brief portion of a soon-to-be-released interview with Robin Goldman, a member of Tekosina Anarsist, or Anarchist Struggle, a collective of combat medics participating in the Rojava Revolution. In this part, Robin speaks about the current situation in Rojava in terms of Turkish aggression, the medical work that TA is doing and some about the structure of the group. Stay tuned to TheFinalStrawRadio.Noblogs.Org soon for the full interview, alongside a transcription and zine for easy printing and sharing. You can learn more about TA by visiting their website.

4) Elephant in the Room from Dresden presents a short overview of what happened recently in Kazakhstan and how the things are right now for the protesters.

5) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki, Greece – about eviction of squat in Biology faculty and other news from Greece.

Length: 51:27

Libertärer Podcast Septemberrückblick 2020

Libertärer Podcast Septemberrückblick 2020

Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

Soli-Mobi: Gegen die Räumung der Liebig34 in Berlin

Chemnitz: CDU Besetzen und Rojava

Der Schwarze Pfeil: ein antiautoritäres Online-Magazin

Wo herrscht Anarchie?


Sole & DJ Pain 1 – Plague Days

Blörb, der Bär – Rojava


Früchte des Zorns – Sehnsucht nach den großen Gefühlen

From the Depths – Let the Black Flag Fly

[Extra] Anarchistische Perspektiven auf den Iran und Afghanistan

[Extra] Anarchistische Perspektiven auf den Iran und Afghanistan

Wir veröffentlichen hiermit die deutsche Fassung eines Interviews, das The Final Straw Radio aus North Carolina mit einem Übersetzer der Anarchistischen Union von Afghanistan und Iran führte. Darin geht es um die Arbeit der Organisation, dem Widerstand gegen das Regime im Iran und der Verbreitung des Anarchismus in der Region, internationale Solidarität sowie die Auswirkungen des US-amerikanischen Säbelrasselns unter Donald Trump. Das Interview wurde im Januar 2020 aufgenommen.

Mehr Information zur Union ist hier zu finden (die Posts sind mehrheitlich auf Persisch), ihr könnt ihnen auf twitter unter @asranarshism, auf Instagram unter @asranarshism, bei Telegram (auch mehrheitlich auf Persisch) und bei Facebook folgen.

Das Originalinterview auf Englisch könnt ihr auch direkt auf unserer Website anhören oder herunterladen.

Bad News: Episode #34

Bad News: Episode #34

BAD News #34: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 34th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for May, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1. Free social radio 1431AM:
• Hunger strike of V. Dimakis
• 1st of May in Greece
• Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades.

2.  A-Radio Berlin:

• Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it.

3. FrequenzA:

• The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide.

4. Radio Fragmata:

• Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions)

5. Invisible Radio:

• Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece

Recommended radios from $hile:

Libertärer Podcast Monatsrückblick Oktober

Libertärer Podcast Monatsrückblick Oktober

Ein ernster und satirischer Blick auf Ereignisse des letzten Monats aus libertärer Perspektive. Vom Anarchistischen Radio Berlin.

Hier könnt ihr ihn direkt anhören:

Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

* Infos zur A-Radio-Soliparty 30.11. und mehr
** Blogeintrag zur Party
** Podcast-Reihe von CrimethInc zu Rojava und Chile
** TheFinalStraw-Radio
** Tacheles-Sozialhilfe zum BVerfG-Urteil zu Hartz4
* Berlin: Interview zum Wagenplatz Sabot Garden
* Spoken Word: Widerstrand
* Chile: der soziale Aufstand brodelt (4 Beiträge)
** Alle Audios zum sozialen Aufstand in Chile (Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch)
* Wo herrscht Anarchie

* Spokenword-Beitrag: Ketsa
* LMF – Unterm Radar
** Gespielte Tracks in Reihenfolge:
*** Die Welt brennt
*** Cosa Capitalista (feat. Daisy Chain)
*** Hinter das Licht
* Geigerzähler – Deutscher Wald für deutsche Rehe
** Gespielte Tracks in Reihenfolge:
*** Grunewald
*** Deutscher Wald für deutsche Rehe
*** Subkultur & Styles & Beats

Libertärer Podcast Monatsrückblick August 2019

Libertärer Podcast Monatsrückblick August 2019