
Libertärer Podcast Augustrückblick 2024

Libertärer Podcast Augustrückblick 2024


  • Libertatia-Squat in Thessaloniki [1] (Facebook)
  • Claim the Waves [1]

H48: Berliner Hausprojekt wehrt sich gegen Verdrängung

Good Night Imperial Pride in der Ukraine

Das Szpila-Kollektiv: Rechtlicher Support in Polen



  • “Misch Dich Ein” und “Kein Vergeben” von Vier Meter Hustensaft
Bad News: Episode #71

Bad News: Episode #71

Dear Listeners,

Welcome to the 71st Episode of Bad News! This Months Host of Bad News is the Anarchist Radio Berlin. We welcome you to the show and hope y’all could cope with the shit that’s going on all around the globe!

From some of those who raise their Angry Voice we ll present you the following :

  • Frequenz A from Leipzig did a transcripted Interview with some of the organizers of an upcoming Queer feminist Congress thats gonna be held in the end of September in Leipzig. The Stronger Together Congress will take place under the motto “feminist queer militant”. Various feminist and queer struggles should be made visible and interfaces with other autonomous, anarchist and militant struggles should be sought.


  • The Final Straw Radio conducted an interview with a radical journalist in Atlanta, Georgia about continued and increasing legal repression by the city of Atlanta and state of Georgia, including against lawyers and legal support fundraising infrastructure. These recent applications are against an anarchist inflected movement thats against police militarization, ecological destruction and government corruption.


  • Anarchist Radio Berlin shares an interview about another evicted Squat in Ljubljana. Macjak was a small anarcha-queer squat in ljubjana, slovenia. Sadly it is history now. During the last days of august we spoke with two of the squatters about macjak and the future plans of squatting in ljubljana.
  • If you want to listen to another interview with the folks from macjak, have a look at page of Frequenz (A).


Before we’ll let you be, we want to give you some small hints:

  • November 10 – 13th 2023 call to Block Cop City through a mass action. It is useless to wait. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history. If the city government does not halt construction in order to listen to the people, then we will simply have to do it ourselves – a People’s Stop Work Order. Check: blockcopcity.org
  • Come and join the tinta negra tattoo convention 13 -15 th of Oktober in Berlin, check: tintanegraconvention.noblogs.org for more Infos! We look forward to see you in October for three full days of tattoos, discussions, workshops and music for solidarity and anarchy!


Total length of the show: 47:20

Libertärer Podcast Augustrückblick 2023

Libertärer Podcast Augustrückblick 2023

News aus aller Welt

Feministisch-queer-militant: Fem-Kongress in Leipzig

Rote Zora: Gespräch mit Filmemacherin

Anarchismus in der Türkei – ein Blick von außen

Wo herrscht Anarchie?


Ragana mit „You take nothing

Klaviermusik aus St. Imier

Warsaw: The attack on the queer-feminist Syrena squat in the end of 2021

Warsaw: The attack on the queer-feminist Syrena squat in the end of 2021

At the 5th of December 2021, the queer-feminist squat Syrena in Warschau was brutally attacked and evicted by a crowd connected to the neighbour squat, as a revenge for anti-patriarchal actions that were taken before. We spoke with two comrades from Syrena collective about what happened: The recent history of queer militancy against uprising homophobia and transphobia in Poland, the background of the conflict and the attack of the 5th, the material and political consequencenes of the incident, and how to support feminist and anti-centralist struggle within polish and global anarchist movement.

Help out with the crowdfunding!

You can reach the collective here: syrenaemail @ riseup.net


Bad News: Episode #40

Bad News: Episode #40

BAD News #40: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 40th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for November, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org.


1) Interview with a anarchist from Belarus on development of protests, going on repressions against anarchist movement and the possibility to support a belarusian struggle against authoritarian regime.
2) Crna Luknja’s short newsflash from Slovenia. First, a sketch of the general situation regarding corona-crisis and the revolts against authoritarian measures. Later, updates on recent stages of municipality’s growing repression against Autonomous factory Rog, the squat in the center of Ljubljana existing since 2006.
3) So-called Greece; November in lockdown: Repression, migrants situation and anarchist resistance.
4) Anarchist assembly of Valparaíso: “One year after the beggining of the revolt, the revolt continues!”
5) FQZ A: Report on the demo in solidarity with the revolt in $hile which was organized at the 18.10.2020 the anniversary of the revolt in Leipzig (Germoney).
6) Report about the demo in solidarity with the accused anarchists at the 4th of November with a short compliance about the sentences at the 5th.
7) Dissident Island newsflash from so called England
8) Malaysia: interview with Queer Cempaka Collective from Kuala Lumpur about their work and the situation over there

Length: 1:22 h

Bad News: Episode #39

Bad News: Episode #39

BAD News #39: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 39th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for October, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org.


Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens)

  • On the topics of school squats, Omada Laikon Agoniston, Pagrati Filolaou, SVEOD and the responses of Greek courts to the charges against the neo-nazi Golden Dawn Party

Radio Fragmata (Athens):

  • News and struggles from around the city and country

A-Radio Berlin (Germany)

  • Audio about the eviction of the anarcha-queer-feminist house project Liebig34 in Berlin

Dissident Island Radio from London

  • News from the Capital of Capitol, London, UK from the last month
Liebig34: Alle Live-Berichte zu Räumung und Tag-X-Demo zum Nachhören

Liebig34: Alle Live-Berichte zu Räumung und Tag-X-Demo zum Nachhören

Am 9. Oktober 2020 wurde leider das anarcha-queer-feministische Hausprojekt Liebig34 in Berlin geräumt. Das A-Radio begleitete den Räumungstag ab dem frühen Morgen und war auch bei der nächtlichen Tag-X-Demo vor Ort. Aus den insgesamt 14 Kurzberichten und 7 Beiträgen mit gesammelten Stimmen zum Geschehen, die ursprünglich bei Twitter und Mastodon veröffentlicht wurden, ist jetzt ein Gesamtaudio entstanden, aus dem sich die Chronologie der Ereignisse nachhören lässt.

Libertärer Podcast Septemberrückblick 2020

Libertärer Podcast Septemberrückblick 2020

Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

Soli-Mobi: Gegen die Räumung der Liebig34 in Berlin

Chemnitz: CDU Besetzen und Rojava

Der Schwarze Pfeil: ein antiautoritäres Online-Magazin

Wo herrscht Anarchie?


Sole & DJ Pain 1 – Plague Days

Blörb, der Bär – Rojava


Früchte des Zorns – Sehnsucht nach den großen Gefühlen

From the Depths – Let the Black Flag Fly