Welcome to Bad News: Angry Voices from Around The World for January of 2024. This month, we’re bringing you segments from four members of the Network of Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian radios and podcasts.
- First up Črna luknja, anarchist radio show on Radio Student in Ljubljana, prepared an interview about the detained antifascists in Budapest and the solidarity campaign for their freedom and support. This wave of repression followed the annual antifascist counter-demonstration on the so-called “day of honour”– a fascist commemoration of the failed escape attempt by Nazi soldiers from the Red Army encirclement in 1945, also an excuse for a big international fascist gathering – in Budapest on 11th of February 2023. The hungarian police made their first arrests already on the demonstration, 14 international arrest warrants followed soon after with house searches, house arrests, extradition requests and so on, which resulted in two persons detained in Budapest since February, one arrest in germany and one in italy for now. More information on the solidarity campaign can be found on:
- Then, you’ll hear Anya of Solidarity Zone speaking with FrequenzA about the case of Ruslan Siddiqui, an anarchist accused and imprisoned in Russia, accused of sabotage against the Russian war on Ukraine.
- Next, The Final Straw presents a portion of our recent interview with Yuval Dag, an Israeli anarchist who served two months in prison for refusing military conscription. Yuval is a member of the anti-militarist group Mesarvot and you can find more information about them at Linktr.EE/Meaarvot
- Finally, A-Radio Berlin shares a translation of part of an interview with a person who was involved for many years in the distribution of the clandestine magazine “radikal” back in 1980s and 1990s, which was very important for the autonomous movement of the era.
To hear more of our episodes, learn more about the network and possibly get involved check out the information at A-Radio-Network.Org. And consider following our mastodon account on Kolektiva.Social via @AradioNetwork
Length: 38 minutes and 42 seconds
Als Anarchistisches Radio Berlin präsentieren wir euch die deutsche Übersetzung eines Interviews, das The Final Straw Radio mit einer Aktivistin aus Russland geführt hat, die im Exil lebt und Teil der feministischen Widerstandsbewegung gegen den Krieg ist.
Darin geht es vor allem um die aktuellen Formen von Widerstand gegen den russischen Staat und seinen Krieg in der Ukraine durch Menschen in und außerhalb Russlands, die Verknüpfung von feministischen und Anti-Kriegs-Analysen sowie den Herausforderungen für eine Solidarität zwischen den Menschen auf den verschiedenen geographischen Seiten des Konflikts.
Das Originalinterview wurde am 26. März 2023 auf thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org veröffentlicht.
[Update 15.04.2023]
Anarchist Black Cross Belarus recently finished an infotour in Germany, France and Switzerland, partly organized by the Federation of German-speaking Anarchists (FdA-IFA). We were able to talk to a comrade after their presentation in Berlin on 6 October 2022. The first half is about the dire political situation in Belarus at the moment, two years after the uprising as well as in the context of the war in Ukraine. In the second half we summarized together lessons from the presentation for antiauthoritarian and anarchist movements in future uprisings.
All infos on the infotour here.
This audio was part of the Bad News #61 in October 2022.
This episode 58 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, shows and podcasts, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. This episode was hosted by the Anarchist Radio Berlin.
In this episode the contributions are coming from:
- Črna Luknja – anarchist radio show on Radio Student from Ljubljana with an interview on the topic of antifascism in Japan. On the 22nd Antifa festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, they had the chance to talk with Gregor, a researcher and activisit very familiar with the autonomous movements in Japan.
- Frequenz A with an interview with an anarchist refugee who lived many years in Ukraine
after fleeing from Putins Russia. The complete interview can be found here.
- The Final Straw Radio presents part of an interview with BOAK, or the Anarchist Communist Combat Organization, a Russia-based group advocating sabotage and guerrilla struggle and the development of a social revolution against authoritarian regimes in eastern Europe. You can find their darkweb site via torbrowser (!) at http://boakor7dmr63zguccltp6nki56ou4oppirhyllfck7yd3sifywinhkyd.onion/, a less secure mirror site at http://boakmirror.noblogs.org/ or their telegram channel at https://t.me/BO_AK_reborn.
- A-Radio Berlin with part of a recording of an info event held by the Migrant Strikers Berlin on the connections between the war in Ukraine and the turkish state aggression in Rojava.
Total length of the show is 50 minutes and 04 seconds.
Bad News #54: Angry Voices From Around The World
Welcome to #54, the March 2022 episode of BAD News: Angry Voices From Around The World. This is the monthly, English-language podcast by the A-Radio Network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios, podcasts and stations.
This month:
- A-Radio Berlin shares part of an interview with members of the Gorillas Workers Collective, which is organizing at the app-driven food delivery system around Berlin, Germany, about employment, data collection, precarity and labor organizing;
- Then, you’ll hear updates about anarchist prisoners, hunger strikes and releasees in Greece from Free Social Radio 1431 AM out of Thessaloniki;
- Following this, you’ll hear perspectives from a queer anarchist in Kyiv from 4 days after the Russian invasion began conducted by A-Radio Vienna in Austria;
- Finally, you’ll hear comrades at Črna Luknja in Ljublana, Slovenia, with an anarcho-syndicalist in Belgrade, Serbia about the role of NATO in the war in Ukraine, the need for revolution against all governments involved.
You can learn more about the network, the participants, past episodes of BAD News and how to get your project involved at A-Radio-Network.org
Length: 47:56
Wir präsentieren euch hier die deutsche Übersetzung eines Interviews, das unsere Freund*innen von The Final Straw Radio mit einem Anarchisten aus Russland geführt haben, der am Projekt avtonom.org beteiligt ist.
Das Orignalinterview wurde am 13. März 2022 veröffentlicht. Das Interview erlaubt unter anderem Einblicke in die Situation in Russland und den Widerstand innerhalb der Bevölkerung gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine. Auf der verlinkten Seite des Originals findet ihr auch die im Interview erwähnten Links und Möglichkeiten, Geld via Kryptowährungen zu senden.
Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:
News aus aller Welt
Gorillas Workers Collective: Organisierung im Delivery-Sektor
Wo herrscht Anarchie?
Möglichkeiten der Solidarität und Unterstützung von Anarchist*innen in der Ukraine
Wir präsentieren die deutsche Übersetzung eines Interviews unserer Freund*innen von
The Final Straw Radio, aus dem
Channel Zero Network, mit einem Anarchisten in Kiew. Das Interview wurde am 24.02.2022 geführt.