
Bad News: Episode #87

Bad News: Episode #87

Welcome to BAD News, angry voices from Around The World, a monthly English-language podcast from the A-Radio Network. This month on we are featuring four segments:

  • FrequenzA, Leipzig: The colleges from FrequenzA did an interview with an Comrade from Georgia about the current situation there.They talked about the up risings linked to the elections, the political situation in general and existing progressive initiatives. As the interview is quite long we have only a part of it in the show – if you want to listen the whole interview you can find it at
  • Črna luknja, Ljubljana: The hated and beloved Donald Trump became President of the United States of America once again. Črna luknja spoke with an USA-based comrade from an anarchist network CrimethInc. about what the latest election says about the current social and political dynamics in the US, what we can expect on the ground of anti-authoritarian struggles, and what anarchists can and should do when so many corners of the world are sliding into increasingly unfamiliar and brutal waters
  • Kilavo Seme, Ljubljana: Bad Seed from Radio Študent conduct an interview with comrade and member of ReCommon organization discussing hydrogen. We open political background behind green washing – also trough concrete examples from italy that is pioneering in extracting public money for developing of so called green transition in Europe based on hydrogen industry – in which context the new “hip” are “hydrogen valleys”. One of them “Adriatic Hydrogen Valley” is coming also in slovenia in connection with croatia and region Friuli-Venezia Giulia in italy. Whole interview can be found here:
  • Parias, Athens: The Parias show once again welcomed people from the open assembly against the pusbacks and border violence to the studio, this time to talk specifically about border violence in Greece, Frontex and militarization of the borders.

Length: 1:30:28

Bad News: Episode #85

Bad News: Episode #85

Welcome to BAD News, angry voices from Around The World, a monthly English-language podcast from the A-Radio Network. This month on we are featuring two segments:

  • First up, you’ll hear Parias, radio show from Radio Reboot, with an interview of a comrades who is participating in no metro in Exarchia Square assembly, in Athens, Greece. They are dealing with police forces in their neighborhood and a municipality that want to change the neighboothood’s identity.
  • Then, Črna Luknja is contributing interview with comrade from Migrant Solidarity Bulgaria initiative about the attempt deportation of dissident Abdulrahman al-Khalidi back to Saudi Arabia where he is facing possibility of murder by the state. Click for more info and petition.

Length: 41:29

Bad News: Episode #74

Bad News: Episode #74

Welcome to the 74th episode of Bad News – Angry voices from around the world, a monthly radio show produced by the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network.

In this episode, we will hear contributions from:

  • Flora Radio, Valparaiso – An update about the “anti-takeover law” or “usurpation law”. That criminalizes territorial claims of the Mapuche, the massive land takeovers and self-construction of thousands who are homeless.
Bad News: Episode #72

Bad News: Episode #72

Welcome to the 72nd episode of Bad News – Angry voices from around the world, a monthly radio show produced by the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network.

In this episode, we will hear contributions from:

  • The Final Straw Radio from the so-called  USA who is sharing a portion of a transcribed and re-recorded interview with three people involved or supporting the defendants in the December 8th Case in which 7 anarchists, including a former YPG fighter who goes by Libre Flot, accused of preparing a paramilitary uprising against the French state. To hear the rest of the interview, find our October 10th episode at TheFinalStrawRadoi.NoBlogs.Org, where you can also read the transcript or print off a zine of the interview. You can keep up on the case, share your solidarity actions and make donations at https://SolidarityToDecember8.Wordpress.Com
  • FrequenzA, a podcast and radioshow project from Leipzig, which prepared an interview about the Karl Helga Wagenplatz in Leipzig, which is under the threat of ever-present forces of gentrification
  • Free Social Radio 1431 AM from Thessaloniki, who shared a collection of news from so-called Greece.

This edition of Bad News was put together by Črna Luknja, anarchist radio show on Radio Student from Ljubljana.

Enjoy and keep on raging!

Length: 28 minutes 38 seconds

Bad News: Episode #71

Bad News: Episode #71

Dear Listeners,

Welcome to the 71st Episode of Bad News! This Months Host of Bad News is the Anarchist Radio Berlin. We welcome you to the show and hope y’all could cope with the shit that’s going on all around the globe!

From some of those who raise their Angry Voice we ll present you the following :

  • Frequenz A from Leipzig did a transcripted Interview with some of the organizers of an upcoming Queer feminist Congress thats gonna be held in the end of September in Leipzig. The Stronger Together Congress will take place under the motto “feminist queer militant”. Various feminist and queer struggles should be made visible and interfaces with other autonomous, anarchist and militant struggles should be sought.

  • The Final Straw Radio conducted an interview with a radical journalist in Atlanta, Georgia about continued and increasing legal repression by the city of Atlanta and state of Georgia, including against lawyers and legal support fundraising infrastructure. These recent applications are against an anarchist inflected movement thats against police militarization, ecological destruction and government corruption.

  • Anarchist Radio Berlin shares an interview about another evicted Squat in Ljubljana. Macjak was a small anarcha-queer squat in ljubjana, slovenia. Sadly it is history now. During the last days of august we spoke with two of the squatters about macjak and the future plans of squatting in ljubljana.
  • If you want to listen to another interview with the folks from macjak, have a look at page of Frequenz (A).


Before we’ll let you be, we want to give you some small hints:

  • November 10 – 13th 2023 call to Block Cop City through a mass action. It is useless to wait. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history. If the city government does not halt construction in order to listen to the people, then we will simply have to do it ourselves – a People’s Stop Work Order. Check:
  • Come and join the tinta negra tattoo convention 13 -15 th of Oktober in Berlin, check: for more Infos! We look forward to see you in October for three full days of tattoos, discussions, workshops and music for solidarity and anarchy!


Total length of the show: 47:20

Bad News: Episode #69

Bad News: Episode #69

Welcome to 69th edition of BAD NEWS, Angry Voices from Around the World, which is a monthly news program produced by international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

This month we have contributions from three radio projects:

On the first moment of our show, Črna luknja from Ljubljana has been speaking with a comrade who is currently based in Chiapas and is engaged in different efforts in solidarity with the Zapatista struggle. The conversation starts with news about the recent paramilitary attack on za Zapatista community Moises and Gandhi and then continues with more background about the paramilitary forces involved and about the recent dynamics in Chiapas.

On our second block, A-Radio Berlin brings us news from the territory dominated by the state of Turkey:
On 28 of May, demonstrations of Erdogan fans, including Turkish fascists, celebrated his narrow victory at the presidential elections. We were not very happy that he would still be in power in Turkey. A-Radio Berlin talked with a comrade about the situation in the country, what follows after this election, what would have been the alternative and what this all means for suppressed communities and revolutionaries.

On our final block, The Final Straw Radio from so-called Asheville, North Carolina in the USA is sharing part of an interview with Matthew Scott, a journalist with ACPC in Atlanta to talk about recent developments with the struggle against Cop City, the building of a giant police training facility with a simulated cityscape for urban counter insurgency training for law enforcement from around the USA & around the world in a forest in Atlanta, Georgia. You can hear the whole interview in our June 18th, 2023 episode and you can learn more about the upcoming week of action to Stop Cop City at or read Matthews work at ATLPressCollective.Com

This Bad News episode has been put together by Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso in so called Chile, Southamerica.

List of songs and music artists (in order of appearance):

  • Que viva la resistencia (popular resistance song by struggling communities in Ecuador)
  • Asesinos (by Los Crudos)
  • Poetry and music on Solidarity with zapatistas, june 8th, Mexico city (by Ceiba, poet and musician)
  • Mapuflaite (by urban mapuche anarchist Singer from Santiago, chile)
  • La carta (Violeta Parra, from Chillán, Chile)
  • Los nadie (by Eduardo Galeano and the punk band from Venezuela “Los dólares)
  • Poeta (Atahualpa Yupanqui from Argentina)
  • No azara (by La muchacha, artist from Colombia)
Bad News: Episode #64

Bad News: Episode #64

Welcome to the 64th Edition of Bad News – Angry Voices from around the World!

We hope you’ll had a great start in to the new year and you feel ready for some segments of Bad News!

Therefore we want to make sure the smile on your face will freeze and you’ll form a fist in your Pocket.

Length: 50:00 minutes

Bad News: Episode #63

Bad News: Episode #63

Welcome to December 2022 edition of Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast from the international A-Radio Network. This month you’ll hear four short segments from four member projects.

  • 1431am with a newsflash about the eviction of Mundo Nuevo squat in Thessaloniki, the murder by policeof Kalo Fragoulis, a 16 year old Roma and the death of a 12 year old child because of inadequate housing conditions.
  • Črna luknja is also focusing on the eviction of Mundo Nuevo squat in Thessaloniki and is sharing a longer interview with a comrade.
  • A-Radio Berlin with a contribution from an anarchist perspective on antimilitarism and nationalism during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990’s. A segment of a longer interview.
  • Frequenz A concludes the show wih an interview with the accused in the so called „Luwi71-Trial” in Leipzig so-called Germany. The Luwi71 is a house (in the east of Leipzig) occupied for about 2 weeks back in august 2020.

Length: 42:53

Bad News: Episode #61

Bad News: Episode #61

Welcome to the 61st episode of Bad News, Angry Voices From Around The World, the monthly, English-language podcast from member projects of the International A-Radio Network. This month, we feature audios from comrades at:

48 minutes 38 seconds

Bad News: Episode #56

Bad News: Episode #56

Bad News #56: Angry Voices From Around The World

This is episode number 56 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. This episode is hosted by A-Radio Vienna.

In this episode we will hear contributions from:

Total length of the show is 37:49.

Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News #52: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 52nd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for Janaury, 2022. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Črna Luknja, radio show collective on Radio Študent prepared an interview with a participant in the anarchist publishing network CrimethInc. about the recent fire that hit its central distribution centre. More about how to offer support and mutual aid can be found here.

2) Anarchist Radio Berlin is presenting part of an interview with comrades from the Syrena collective in Warsaw about the antifeminist attack on their squat in December 2021. You’ll find the complete version of the interview here.

3) The Final Straw Radio (from southern Appalachia in the so-called US) shares a brief portion of a soon-to-be-released interview with Robin Goldman, a member of Tekosina Anarsist, or Anarchist Struggle, a collective of combat medics participating in the Rojava Revolution. In this part, Robin speaks about the current situation in Rojava in terms of Turkish aggression, the medical work that TA is doing and some about the structure of the group. Stay tuned to TheFinalStrawRadio.Noblogs.Org soon for the full interview, alongside a transcription and zine for easy printing and sharing. You can learn more about TA by visiting their website.

4) Elephant in the Room from Dresden presents a short overview of what happened recently in Kazakhstan and how the things are right now for the protesters.

5) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki, Greece – about eviction of squat in Biology faculty and other news from Greece.

Length: 51:27

Bad News: Episode #46

Bad News: Episode #46

Bad News #46: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 46th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for June, 2021. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Free Social Radio 1431 AM in Thessaloniki, Greece speaking on the trial of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos, the recent labor bill and the new obligatory shared custody law.

2) Next, you’ll hear an interview by A-Radio Berlin with comrades of Horn Anarchists on the situation in Ethiopia and war on the people of Tigray.

3) Followed by RadioZones of Subversive Expression in Athens sharing news of demonstrations against sexual harassment on public transit, changes in policy of public servants witnessing in court against members of the population, and struggles against the greenwashing of dispossession and infrastructure projects in Agrafa.

4) Finally, the lovelies at Frequenz-A share a longer interview sharing the perspectives of a student in Colombia about the current fracas against police, austerity, covid and for radical change.

Length: 41:00

Bad News: Episode #44

Bad News: Episode #44

BAD News #44: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 44th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for April, 2021. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Radio Dissident Island – Bulletin about what is going on in the UK

2) Črna Luknja – Interview about police violence with a comrade from Bristol

3) A-Radio-Berlin – Interview with the organization mare liberum about illegal push-backs in the Mediterranean
(you can find the whole interview in german lenguage here)

4) Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso – Audio about the hungerstrike of anarchist and prisoners of the revolt in the area dominated by the chilean state

5) Frequenz(A) – Interview with a comrade from food not bombs myanmar about their work and the ongoing resistance

6) 1431 AM – About the continuing student movement and the the trial of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos

7) The Final Straw Radio – is sharing an interview with an incarcerated revolutionary with Jailhouse Lawyers Speak (you can find a transcript and the whole interview here)

8) Radio A (Karlsruhe) – Interview about a stopped dam project in the aragon region in spain

9) Radio Fragmata – Notes on repression and the struggles against the state and the police

Length: 1:48:04