
Bad News: Episode #38

Bad News: Episode #38

BAD News #38: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 38th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for September, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


Radio Fragmata (Athens):

  • On direct actions, environmental struggles and the upcoming anniversary of the death of Pavlos Fyssas. One of his songs is featured at the end of their segment. Rest In Power Killah P!

A-Radio Berlin (Germany)

  • A conversation with comrades from the “Burning Arks” collective, discussing solidarity work around a police operation not so well known outside of Spain, called “Operation Ark”, which took place in May of 2019

Dissident Island Radio from London

  • A short roundup of union wins, animal action, eco-wars and acab ammo from a largely wet august on the steadily sinking ship that is the so called United Kingdom

Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens)

  • Reports about the fire that recently devastated the Moria refugee camp and the evacuation of the Rosa Nera squat


  • A short report about the ongoing struggle against gentrification in Leipzig (Germoney)

Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki)

  • Updates about the eviction of Terra Incognita squat, the invasion of cops in Libertatia squat and comrades in hunger strike and the martyr Ebru Timtik in Turkey
Bad News: Episode #35

Bad News: Episode #35

BAD News #35: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 35th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for June, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1. The Final Straw Radio:
• Interview about the liberation of a former Sheraton Hotel in Minneapolis.

2.  A-Radio Berlin:

• Interview about a new feminist campaign in Germany to raise awareness to the abortion topic.

3. Radio Fragmata:

• Updates on the general situation, the movement and the struggles in greek territory.

4. Invisible Radio:

• Voices of people from Moria camp

5. R.O.S.E. (Athens):

• News from Greece.

Bad News: Episode #34

Bad News: Episode #34

BAD News #34: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 34th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for May, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1. Free social radio 1431AM:
• Hunger strike of V. Dimakis
• 1st of May in Greece
• Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades.

2.  A-Radio Berlin:

• Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it.

3. FrequenzA:

• The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide.

4. Radio Fragmata:

• Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions)

5. Invisible Radio:

• Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece

Recommended radios from $hile:

Bad News: Episode #33

Bad News: Episode #33

BAD News #33: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 33rd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for April, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


    1. Črna Luknja sharing a thought on how does corona virus influence our society and thoughts on how to intervene politically in state of emergency – from Federation for Anarchist Organizing from Slovenia and part of Croatia.
    2. 105fm (Mytilene, Lesvos) for the general situation in Lesvos, situation in Moria camp and hunger strike in Moria’s prison.
    3. The Final Straw Radio sharing a short description of recent covid-19 subjects in the US and some commentary by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain on how to make it through isolation more safely.
    4. R.O.S.E. (Athens) with updates and news from Athens.
    5. A-Radio Berlin on a commentary about the global situation these days.
    6. Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki) about
      • the cut of power supply in BIO.ME. (an occupied and self-organized factory in Thessaloniki)
      • movements and struggles in prisons during the quarantine and corona-virus.
      • repression in so-called Greece during the quarantine and corona-virus.
      • arrests of Kurdish and Turkish comrades in Athens.
      • evictions of migrant’s “home” squats.
    7. Dissident Island (London) focuses on issues around housing in the UK, discussing moves the state has made to protect landlords, the lip service paid to renters and homeless folk, and the self-organised solutions that are emerging through rent strike and mutual aid groups.
    8. Frequenz A with an interview with somebody of the anarchist network Dresden (germoney) about their initiative in their neighborhood during the convid-19 crisis.
    9. Radio Fragmata (Athens) with an introduction on the socio-political situation and struggles in greek territory.

(Total Length:  1hour & 18min. & 26sec.)