Welcome to BAD News, angry voices from Around The World, a monthly English-language podcast from the A-Radio Network. This month on we are featuring four segments:
- FrequenzA, Leipzig: The colleges from FrequenzA did an interview with an Comrade from Georgia about the current situation there.They talked about the up risings linked to the elections, the political situation in general and existing progressive initiatives. As the interview is quite long we have only a part of it in the show – if you want to listen the whole interview you can find it at frequenza.noblogs.org.
- Črna luknja, Ljubljana: The hated and beloved Donald Trump became President of the United States of America once again. Črna luknja spoke with an USA-based comrade from an anarchist network CrimethInc. about what the latest election says about the current social and political dynamics in the US, what we can expect on the ground of anti-authoritarian struggles, and what anarchists can and should do when so many corners of the world are sliding into increasingly unfamiliar and brutal waters
- Kilavo Seme, Ljubljana: Bad Seed from Radio Študent conduct an interview with comrade and member of ReCommon organization discussing hydrogen. We open political background behind green washing – also trough concrete examples from italy that is pioneering in extracting public money for developing of so called green transition in Europe based on hydrogen industry – in which context the new “hip” are “hydrogen valleys”. One of them “Adriatic Hydrogen Valley” is coming also in slovenia in connection with croatia and region Friuli-Venezia Giulia in italy. Whole interview can be found here: https://radiostudent.si/druzba/kilavo-seme/zelena-jadranska-vodikova-dolina
- Parias, Athens: The Parias show once again welcomed people from the open assembly against the pusbacks and border violence to the studio, this time to talk specifically about border violence in Greece, Frontex and militarization of the borders.
Length: 1:30:28