Channel Zero Network

[Extra] Channel Zero Network: Staying safe at street actions (PSA)

[Extra] Channel Zero Network: Staying safe at street actions (PSA)

As A-Radio Berlin we are part of the anarchist Channel Zero Network (CZN), an alliance of podcasts and radio shows in English language from around the world.

In the context of the recent BlackLivesMatter uprising against police brutality and racism in the US, CZN published a short audio containing advice on how to more safely navigate street actions. Most things would also apply outside of the BLM or Covid-19 situation.

Libertärer Podcast Mairückblick 2020

Libertärer Podcast Mairückblick 2020

Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

Der EA-Berlin zur ID-Verweigerung als Taktik

e*vibes-Kampagne „Abtreibungsgeschichten“

Rückblick auf den Mai ’87

Chile/Argentinien: Repression gegen Mapuche im Schatten von Corona

Wo herrscht Anarchie?

Channel Zero Network: Protest-Tipps
