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Feministisch-queer-militant: Fem-Kongress in Leipzig
Rote Zora: Gespräch mit Filmemacherin
Anarchismus in der Türkei – ein Blick von außen
Wo herrscht Anarchie?
Ragana mit „You take nothing“
Klaviermusik aus St. Imier
Wir veröffentlichen diesen Beitrag in Kooperation mit Menschen aus Leipzig. In dem Bericht mit O-Tönen geht es um eine Aktion zu einer
Immobilienkonferenz in Leipzig vom 6. März 2023. Mit Sprechchören und Transparenten wie „Für einen profitorientierten Lobbyismus in der Wohnungspolitik“ ließen die Aktivist*innen die Teilnehmenden der Konferenz („die wichtigen Player der Branche“) hochleben.
News aus aller Welt
Konzept zur Abschaffung der Polizei von Copwatch Leipzig
Countdown zu St. Imier 5: Die Geschichte und Kämpfe von Vio.Me
Wo herrscht Anarchie
Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:
News aus aller Welt
FLINTA-Besetzung in Leipzig über sichere Kommunikation
Razzia im tschechischen Bublina-Squat
- Mail-Kontakt: bublina / at /
Shut Down Kanada – der Widerstand der Wet’suwet’en
Wo herrscht Anarchie?
Praxis Life -Ain t so simple
BAD News #40: Angry Voices From Around The World
Welcome to the 40th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for November, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.
Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
1) Interview with a anarchist from Belarus on development of protests, going on repressions against anarchist movement and the possibility to support a belarusian struggle against authoritarian regime.
2) Crna Luknja’s short newsflash from Slovenia. First, a sketch of the general situation regarding corona-crisis and the revolts against authoritarian measures. Later, updates on recent stages of municipality’s growing repression against Autonomous factory Rog, the squat in the center of Ljubljana existing since 2006.
3) So-called Greece; November in lockdown: Repression, migrants situation and anarchist resistance.
4) Anarchist assembly of Valparaíso: “One year after the beggining of the revolt, the revolt continues!”
5) FQZ A: Report on the demo in solidarity with the revolt in $hile which was organized at the 18.10.2020 the anniversary of the revolt in Leipzig (Germoney).
6) Report about the demo in solidarity with the accused anarchists at the 4th of November with a short compliance about the sentences at the 5th.
7) Dissident Island newsflash from so called England
8) Malaysia: interview with Queer Cempaka Collective from Kuala Lumpur about their work and the situation over there
Length: 1:22 h
BAD News #38: Angry Voices From Around The World
Welcome to the 38th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for September, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
Radio Fragmata (Athens):
- On direct actions, environmental struggles and the upcoming anniversary of the death of Pavlos Fyssas. One of his songs is featured at the end of their segment. Rest In Power Killah P!
A-Radio Berlin (Germany)
- A conversation with comrades from the “Burning Arks” collective, discussing solidarity work around a police operation not so well known outside of Spain, called “Operation Ark”, which took place in May of 2019
Dissident Island Radio from London
- A short roundup of union wins, animal action, eco-wars and acab ammo from a largely wet august on the steadily sinking ship that is the so called United Kingdom
Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens)
- Reports about the fire that recently devastated the Moria refugee camp and the evacuation of the Rosa Nera squat
- A short report about the ongoing struggle against gentrification in Leipzig (Germoney)
Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki)
- Updates about the eviction of Terra Incognita squat, the invasion of cops in Libertatia squat and comrades in hunger strike and the martyr Ebru Timtik in Turkey
This is the
32nd episode of „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
1. Radiofragmata (Athens, Greece): Updates for arrested anarchists and political prisoners. / News from the Greek regime.
2. Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki, Greece): About the revengeful deportation to Albania of the anarchist comrade Irdi K.
3. Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens, Greece): A review for the current situation in Evros (the Northeastern borders of Greece).
4. 105FM (Mytilene, Greece): An update from the recent refugee demonstrations in Lesvos, the repression and the fascist attacks.
5. Dissident Island (London): A roundup of happenings from around the so-called United Kingdom.
6. A-Radio Berlin: An interview with an organizer of the first feminist congress in Poland that took place in February.
7. Frequenz(A): About the resistance against a deportation in Leipzig, Germany back in the 10/7/2019 and the repression like for example the current court case linked to that.