Self Organization

Casa Encantada – A Portrait of the Fight for Housing in Belo Horizonte Going Through the Pandemic

Casa Encantada – A Portrait of the Fight for Housing in Belo Horizonte Going Through the Pandemic

The following is a interview about a book project documenting 20 squats in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil as well as a connected book tour through Europe starting in April 2024. We also learn more about the different and widespread practices of squatting and direct action in Brazil as well as the effects of the Covid pandemic and the authoritarian shifts in the country and how selforganzied movements have dealt and still deal with it.

Bad News: Episode #74

Bad News: Episode #74

Welcome to the 74th episode of Bad News – Angry voices from around the world, a monthly radio show produced by the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network.

In this episode, we will hear contributions from:

  • Flora Radio, Valparaiso – An update about the “anti-takeover law” or “usurpation law”. That criminalizes territorial claims of the Mapuche, the massive land takeovers and self-construction of thousands who are homeless.
Bad News: Episode #69

Bad News: Episode #69

Welcome to 69th edition of BAD NEWS, Angry Voices from Around the World, which is a monthly news program produced by international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

This month we have contributions from three radio projects:

On the first moment of our show, Črna luknja from Ljubljana has been speaking with a comrade who is currently based in Chiapas and is engaged in different efforts in solidarity with the Zapatista struggle. The conversation starts with news about the recent paramilitary attack on za Zapatista community Moises and Gandhi and then continues with more background about the paramilitary forces involved and about the recent dynamics in Chiapas.

On our second block, A-Radio Berlin brings us news from the territory dominated by the state of Turkey:
On 28 of May, demonstrations of Erdogan fans, including Turkish fascists, celebrated his narrow victory at the presidential elections. We were not very happy that he would still be in power in Turkey. A-Radio Berlin talked with a comrade about the situation in the country, what follows after this election, what would have been the alternative and what this all means for suppressed communities and revolutionaries.

On our final block, The Final Straw Radio from so-called Asheville, North Carolina in the USA is sharing part of an interview with Matthew Scott, a journalist with ACPC in Atlanta to talk about recent developments with the struggle against Cop City, the building of a giant police training facility with a simulated cityscape for urban counter insurgency training for law enforcement from around the USA & around the world in a forest in Atlanta, Georgia. You can hear the whole interview in our June 18th, 2023 episode and you can learn more about the upcoming week of action to Stop Cop City at or read Matthews work at ATLPressCollective.Com

This Bad News episode has been put together by Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso in so called Chile, Southamerica.

List of songs and music artists (in order of appearance):

  • Que viva la resistencia (popular resistance song by struggling communities in Ecuador)
  • Asesinos (by Los Crudos)
  • Poetry and music on Solidarity with zapatistas, june 8th, Mexico city (by Ceiba, poet and musician)
  • Mapuflaite (by urban mapuche anarchist Singer from Santiago, chile)
  • La carta (Violeta Parra, from Chillán, Chile)
  • Los nadie (by Eduardo Galeano and the punk band from Venezuela “Los dólares)
  • Poeta (Atahualpa Yupanqui from Argentina)
  • No azara (by La muchacha, artist from Colombia)
Gorillas Workers‘ Collective – Presentation about their struggles in Berlin’s delivery sector

Gorillas Workers‘ Collective – Presentation about their struggles in Berlin’s delivery sector

On 14 February 2022 there was an info event held at the New Yorck space in Bethanien, Berlin, by the Gorillas Workers‘ Collective (Twitter). The talk was on their experiences in their self-organizing as gig-economy workers. Here we are sharing this (sadly only partial) recording of the event.

Bad News: Episode #56

Bad News: Episode #56

Bad News #56: Angry Voices From Around The World

This is episode number 56 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. This episode is hosted by A-Radio Vienna.

In this episode we will hear contributions from:

Total length of the show is 37:49.