SubMedia – a new anarchist videohosting alternative – a new anarchist videohosting alternative

We had the opportunity of talking with comrades from the anarchist video colletives SubMedia and Antimidia directly for the start of their new videohosting project Kolektiva. Hear more about this exciting new self-managed infrastructure as well as background infos on videomaking in Canada and Brazil and suggestions on creating new video collectives.

From their own presentation:
Welcome to Kolektiva, an open-source platform for hosting anarchist videos from around the world. Our goal with Kolektiva is to help increase communication and material solidarity across borders and linguistic divides. If you are interested in getting involved – whether through hosting your content with us, or helping out with translation – please contact us at kolektivamedia/@/

Libertärer Podcast Junirückblick 2020

Libertärer Podcast Junirückblick 2020

Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:

News aus aller Welt

Black Lives Matter: CHAZ, eine autonome Zone in Seattle

Kolektiva: anarchistisches und antikoloniales Videohosting

Wo herrscht Anarchie?
