
Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News: Episode #52

Bad News #52: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 52nd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for Janaury, 2022. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Črna Luknja, radio show collective on Radio Študent prepared an interview with a participant in the anarchist publishing network CrimethInc. about the recent fire that hit its central distribution centre. More about how to offer support and mutual aid can be found here.

2) Anarchist Radio Berlin is presenting part of an interview with comrades from the Syrena collective in Warsaw about the antifeminist attack on their squat in December 2021. You’ll find the complete version of the interview here.

3) The Final Straw Radio (from southern Appalachia in the so-called US) shares a brief portion of a soon-to-be-released interview with Robin Goldman, a member of Tekosina Anarsist, or Anarchist Struggle, a collective of combat medics participating in the Rojava Revolution. In this part, Robin speaks about the current situation in Rojava in terms of Turkish aggression, the medical work that TA is doing and some about the structure of the group. Stay tuned to TheFinalStrawRadio.Noblogs.Org soon for the full interview, alongside a transcription and zine for easy printing and sharing. You can learn more about TA by visiting their website.

4) Elephant in the Room from Dresden presents a short overview of what happened recently in Kazakhstan and how the things are right now for the protesters.

5) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki, Greece – about eviction of squat in Biology faculty and other news from Greece.

Length: 51:27

Bad News: Episode #47

Bad News: Episode #47

Bad News #47: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 47th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for July, 2021. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) Radiozones Of Subversive Expression in Athens on issues on immigration, taking back the night against patriarchy and resistance behind bars in Korydallos prison

2) Part of an interview by The Final Straw Radio from the so-called US with a member of the Federation of Anarchism Era, mostly constituted of anarchists in or from Afghanistan and Iran, speaking about the withdraw of US and other Western troops from Afghanistan after 20 years of war and occupation

3) Finally, a portion of an interview by A-Radio Berlin with two activists about the Syrian revolution that began about 10 years ago. Apologies, but due to technical difficulties it is a little hard to understand at times

Length: 0:36:06

[Extra] TFSR: Perspectives from Iranian Anarchists

[Extra] TFSR: Perspectives from Iranian Anarchists

We are now republishing an interview by The Final Straw Radio (TFSR) with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran to share perspectives from membership in Iran and abroad about resistance to the regime from within, solidarity from abroad, the impact of US sabre-rattling. This interview is from January 2020.

More information from the Union can be found here (posts are mostly in Persian), they can be followed on twitter at @asranarshism, @asranarshism on instagram, on Telegram (also mostly in Persian) and Facebook.