The Final Straw Radio

[Extra] Anarchist*innen in der Ukraine gegen den Krieg

[Extra] Anarchist*innen in der Ukraine gegen den Krieg

Wir präsentieren die deutsche Übersetzung eines Interviews unserer Freund*innen von The Final Straw Radio, aus dem Channel Zero Network, mit einem Anarchisten in Kiew. Das Interview wurde am 24.02.2022 geführt.

[Extra] TFSR talking to Maxida Märak and Gabriel Kuhn about the book „Liberating Sápmi“

[Extra] TFSR talking to Maxida Märak and Gabriel Kuhn about the book „Liberating Sápmi“

We are now republishing an interview by The Final Straw Radio (TFSR) with Maxida Märak, a Sami activist and hip hop singer, and Gabriel Kuhn, an anarchist activist, translator and author, about Kuhn’s book „Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North„. The book contains a political history of the Sámi people, whose traditional lands extend along the north most regions of so-called Sweden, Norway, Finland, and parts of Russia, as well as interviews conduced with over a dozen Sámi artists and activists. This interview was published originally in June 2020.

Links for further solidarity and support from the guests:

Bad News: Episode #41

Bad News: Episode #41

BAD News #41: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 41st edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for December, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


1) FQZA – A short round up about the struggle at „Dannenröder Forst“ in the district called Hessen. (Germany)

2) Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso – Commemorating 10th anniversary of rebellion and slaughter of 81 prisoners in San Miguel prison in Santiago de Chile.

3) Črna Luknja – is reporting on situation considering homeless situation in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana and involvement of Self-organized antiauthoritarian initiative.

4) Radiozones of Subversive Expressions – is sharing a report from streets and squares of Athens (Greece) and approaches of political establishment towards anti-authoritarian movement and society on general.

5) Radiofragmata – reporting on the events of 6th of December in so-called Greece.

6) Free social radio 1431AM – Is contributing an update about the situation in Greek prisons during the CoViD-19 pandemic.

7) Dissident Island from London – in the soon not to be so United Kingdom brings another round-up of happenings from across the land covering animal rights, workers‘ struggles, eco-activism and anti-militarism.

8) The Final Straw Radio (from southern Appalachia in the so-called US) – shares a part of a conversation with anarchist and antifascist journalist and organizes, Daryle Lamont Jenkins about the far right street demos around the 2020 US elections, the violence in Washington DC by Proud Boys on November 14th and others against Black Lives Matter Plaza, the stabbings of three anti-racists and the call to participate in a counter to another Proud Boys demo in DC on December 12th, 2020 and prospects for autonomous anti-racist organizing in coming years.

9) Anarchist Radio Berlin – An update on the ongoing struggle in Belarus. For this month we are sharing part of an interview with an anarchist from Belarus, that happened in the end of November 2020.

10) Radio Show Elephant in the Room – Interview from 9th of November on recent protest for abortion rights, following repressions and anti-repression work in Poland.

Length: 1:28 h

The Final Straw Radio on the current political situation in the USA

The Final Straw Radio on the current political situation in the USA

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity to talk to Bursts and William from The Final Straw Radio, co-members of the Channel Zero Podcast Network.

During the 90 minutes of talk, we are taking some deeper dives into the 2020 US elections and other US political topics like Trumpism and conspiracy myths like QAnon. But also current everyday as well as political life under the ongoing pandemic. And the increase in grassroots mutual aid organizing across the so-called United States of America. Paired with a general look back on 4 years of Trump and all the forms of resistance against it as well as an outlook on what is to come.

Unfortunately, towards the end some of the audio got lost, so at some point only Bursts is giving answers. Despite that, this interview might be right for anyone who feels like their understanding of what’s been going in the US has declined over the last years.

Check out the Final Straw Radio on their blog.
Also consider supporting Bursts and William on Patreon or via other means.

We recommend to listen to our second interview on the same topic: „Rebel Steps on the current political situation in the USA„.