B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 1 (06/2017)

“B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world” is a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. As an international network of radio projects, we believe in the importance of international solidarity. And we also recognize the importance and the need to create and disseminate our own media and counterinformation.

We hope, with this effort, to reach out to other anarchist and antiauthoritarian projects, groups and individuals, and to strengthen our connections and our struggles in sharing our stories.

Although this program is in English, we recognize that even this ‘international’ language can be alienating to some and we want to encourage others to create and share similar content in their own languages.

Below you can find an audio link which introduces the concept behind Bad News, as well as our first episode.

We want to hear the Bad News first!

You can download the short introduction to the idea of Bad News at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Episode 1 (June 2017):

Length: 47 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

* Radio Kurruf: Occupation of CONADI, mapuche resistance and repression by the State
* The Final Straw: Updates on anti-pipeline struggles around the so-called United States
* A-Radio Berlin: New squats in Germany and the acute danger of eviction of Friedel54
* 98FM: Prisoners in Greece, Terrorism law in Greece, Eviction of squats in Athens
* 105FM: Food poisoning and stolen food in refugee camps in Lesbos, eviction of refugee squat, feminist information, antifa festival
* Dissident Island Radio: Fuck Parade & thoughts on voting in the UK
* Rosas Negras: Struggles against the criminalization of abortion in El Salvador


The Final Straw (All links in English)
* Upcoming push to defund Mountain Valley & Atlantic Coast Pipelines
* Surveyors disrupted while working on Mountain Valley Pipeline
* White Pine Camp against Mariner East 2 Pipeline
* Resistance to Sabal Trail Pipeline
* Lancaster organizing against Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline
* Algonquin Pipeline & dangerous proximity to Indian Point nuclear power plant
* Discussion of the upcoming Keystone XL restart

Anarchist Radio Berlin
* Herner131 (Bochum) (German)
* Solidarity group for Herner131 (German)
* Jugendzentrum HH-Ost (Hamburg) (German)
* Unsere Villa (Kassel) (German)
* Friedel54 (Berlin) (English)

105fm (All links in Greek)
* Food poisoning incident at concentration camp at Chios
* Local people stole food and clothing stuff that were meant for immigrants in Lesvos
* Complaints for incidents of genital amputations of young girls for religion beliefs at hot spots all over greece
* 2000 new job openings at detention centers
* Refugee – immigrants deportations to Turkey
* Eviction against an immigration housing squat at Lesvos
* Accusations against the N.G.O. “Mercy Crops”
* Sexual harrasements to girl students occurred to a local-high school in Mytilene by national-socialist headmaster
* Raping incident
* All anesthetists of Samos hospital refused to provide anesthesia interventions that concern pregnancy interruption: our own research
* Antifa Fest May 27th