
Griechenland: Der Mord an Pavlos Fyssas und der Prozess gegen die Neonazi-Partei Golden Dawn

Griechenland: Der Mord an Pavlos Fyssas und der Prozess gegen die Neonazi-Partei Golden Dawn

Lieber spät als nie veröffentlichen wir nun die deutsche Fassung dieses Interviews, das wir Ende Oktober 2020 geführt haben. Mit einer Gefährtin sprachen wir über den Mord am antifasschistischen Rapper Pavlos Fyssas (Killah P) im Jahr 2013 und den kürzlich zu Ende gegangenen Prozess gegen die Neonazi-Partei Golden Dawn. Darüber hinaus erzählt sie uns mehr zum lokalen Kontext, zu den Reaktionen auf verschiedensten Ebenen und welche Bedeutung der Prozess für den antifaschistischen Kampf hat.

Hier geht’s zum Originalinterview auf Englisch.

Greece: The murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas and the trial against Golden Dawn

Greece: The murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas and the trial against Golden Dawn

In the end of October 2020 we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Greece about the murder of antifascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas (Killah P) in 2013 and the recent trial against the neonazi party Golden Dawn. Furthermore, she talks to us about the local context, the reactions on different levels to the verdict and what follows for the antifascist struggle.

Bad News: Episode #39

Bad News: Episode #39

BAD News #39: Angry Voices From Around The World

Welcome to the 39th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for October, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,


Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens)

  • On the topics of school squats, Omada Laikon Agoniston, Pagrati Filolaou, SVEOD and the responses of Greek courts to the charges against the neo-nazi Golden Dawn Party

Radio Fragmata (Athens):

  • News and struggles from around the city and country

A-Radio Berlin (Germany)

  • Audio about the eviction of the anarcha-queer-feminist house project Liebig34 in Berlin

Dissident Island Radio from London

  • News from the Capital of Capitol, London, UK from the last month
Slovenia: Tactics and challenges in the ongoing social uprising

Slovenia: Tactics and challenges in the ongoing social uprising

As A-Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from the Federation for Anarchist Organizing (FAO) in Slovenia and Croatia.

Amongst the topics were the ongoing social uprising in Slovenia, the dynamics and challenges of such a movement in the Covid-19 context, state repression and neonazi attacks as well as a comparison to the 2012/2013 uprising. Last but not least our comrade offers an analysis of the tactics used in the struggle and how to possibly go forward.